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Our Career Development Center provides comprehensive career development services to all current and aspiring early childhood professionals at no cost to the provider.

Nuestro Centro de Desarrollo Profesional ofrece servicios gratuitos e integrales de desarrollo profesional a todos los profesionales actuales y aspirantes a la primera infancia.

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Exploring Your Options

The field of early childhood is growing! Explore with us the dynamic range of opportunities to make an impact in the lives of children and families – both in and outside of the classroom.


Getting the Job

Whether you are unemployed, under-employed, changing careers, entering or re-entering the work force we will ensure you have the basic tools necessary to successfully market yourself to a potential employer.


Education and Advancement

A well prepared highly qualified workforce is essential for the growth and development of young children. Make a commitment to lifelong learning!

Early Childhood Workforce Scholarships

Do you work in an early childhood center? Would you like to earn a credential, certificate, two year, four year or graduate degree? Fill out our Scholarship Application to make an appointment with an early childhood Career Advisor to review your eligibility for one or more scholarships.

CDA Completion Program

Do you have a CDA Certificate but need your CDA Credential? Do you need support putting together your portfolio or preparing for the CDA Exam? This CDA completion program is for you!

Summer 2025 Spanish CDA Completion

Los candidatos se reunirán en sesiones de grupo y 1:1 según sea necesario con cita previa. Al final del programa, los candidatos entenderán el proceso de acreditación del CDA. Los candidatos habrán completado el portafolio con todas las competencias y recursos requeridos; habrán aplicado para el examen CDA, se habrán registrado para el examen escrito en un sitio de Pearson Testing, tendrán un Especialista PD asignado, habrán aplicado para el financiamiento EIP para el examen, habrán tomado un examen de práctica, y habrán recibido entrenamiento para la Visita de Verificación.

Summer 2025 CDA Completion Program in English

The CDA completion program helps participants understand the process of achieving their Child Development Associate (CDA) credential. The CDA completion program will help you complete your portfolio with required competencies and resources, apply for the CDA exam, register for the written exam at a Pearson Testing site, work with an assigned PD specialist, apply for Educational Incentive Program (EIP) funding for the exam, take a practice test and receive Verification Visit coaching.

Participants will meet in group sessions and one on one as needed by appointment.

Spring 2025 Spanish CDA Completion

Los candidatos se reunirán en sesiones de grupo y 1:1 según sea necesario con cita previa. Al final del programa, los candidatos entenderán el proceso de acreditación del CDA. Los candidatos habrán completado el portafolio con todas las competencias y recursos requeridos; habrán aplicado para el examen CDA, se habrán registrado para el examen escrito en un sitio de Pearson Testing, tendrán un Especialista PD asignado, habrán aplicado para el financiamiento EIP para el examen, habrán tomado un examen de práctica, y habrán recibido entrenamiento para la Visita de Verificación.

Spring 2025 CDA Completion Program in English

The CDA completion program helps participants understand the process of achieving their Child Development Associate (CDA) credential. The CDA completion program will help you complete your portfolio with required competencies and resources, apply for the CDA exam, register for the written exam at a Pearson Testing site, work with an assigned PD specialist, apply for Educational Incentive Program (EIP) funding for the exam, take a practice test and receive Verification Visit coaching.

Participants will meet in group sessions and one on one as needed by appointment.

CDA Renewal Amnesty Program Information Session
The CDA Council is offering a limited-time CDA® Renewal Amnesty Program. This program provides an opportunity for anyone with a CDA expiration date as far back as January 1, 2020, to complete the renewal process and make their credential active again.This information session will cover the renewal process and eligibility, and will be a space where your questions about the program can be answered. There will be an information session in Spanish and in English.
Winter 2025 CDA Completion Program in English

The CDA completion program helps participants understand the process of achieving their Child Development Associate (CDA) credential. The CDA completion program will help you complete your portfolio with required competencies and resources, apply for the CDA exam, register for the written exam at a Pearson Testing site, work with an assigned PD specialist, get funding for the exam through NYC Public Schools, take a practice test and receive Verification Visit coaching.

Participants will meet in group sessions and one on one as needed by appointment.

Winter 2025 Spanish CDA Completion

Los candidatos se reunirán en sesiones de grupo y 1:1 según sea necesario con cita previa. Al final del programa, los candidatos entenderán el proceso de acreditación del CDA. Los candidatos habrán completado el portafolio con todas las competencias y recursos requeridos; habrán aplicado para el examen CDA, se habrán registrado para el examen escrito en un sitio de Pearson Testing, tendrán un Especialista PD asignado, habrán aplicado para el financiamiento EIP para el examen, habrán tomado un examen de práctica, y habrán recibido entrenamiento para la Visita de Verificación.

2025 CUNY School of Professional Studies CDA Information Sessions
Come to a virtual information session to learn more about the CDA certificate program at the CUNY School of Professional Studies, offered in partnership with the Institute’s Career Development Center. The program prepares anyone interested in working with infants, toddlers and preschool-aged children (birth through age 5) to seek their CDA credential. In this 12-credit program, students learn the skills they need to create an effective learning environment for children. Students take four required courses and receive guidance with writing, creating a portfolio, classroom observations, career services and more.
2025 CUNY School of Professional Studies CPAC Info Sessions
The Children’s Program Administrator Credential (CPAC) is recognized in New York State as the standard for measuring effectiveness in leadership, procedural supervision, and fiscal management for administrators of early childhood and school-aged children's programs. Come to a virtual information session to learn more about the online graduate-level, 18-credit program at the CUNY School of Professional Studies, offered in partnership with the Career Development Center, leading to the CPAC.

NYC Public Schools Family Child Care Network Project

The Early Childhood Career Development Center is working with NYC Public Schools to support qualified family childcare providers to get a college credit-bearing CDA. This will be available at no cost to family and group family providers.

The Early Childhood Work Readiness Project

Are you under 25, looking for employment and hoping to work with young children? The NY Early Childhood Work Readiness Program is for you! Join the program to get the support and services you need to prepare you for a job as an assistant teacher, at no cost to you.

The Early Career Initiative

Do you love working with children? A child's entry into education should be one where they are surrounded by caring and credentialed professionals. If working with children from birth to five years old is your calling, The Early Career Initiative is interested in meeting you and supporting you on your path.

The ECE Employment Network

The Early Childhood Career Center has established an ECE Employment Network to connect employers and job seeking professionals at all levels. Apply to connect with one of our advisors.

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