Mental health and substance use resources for young children and their families.
Youth Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) is an intensive, highly coordinated program that provides individualized services and skilled therapeutic interventions designed to address the significant needs of children ages 10-21 who are at risk of entering or returning home from high-end services, ...
Child Parent Psychotherapy Preventive Program is provided by the Jewish Board on Staten Island to all families with children 0-5 years old that have experienced a trauma exposure with symptoms. Our program is evidence base and offers a repair to the child-parent relationship. Our services are com ...
New York City Teens Connection: The NYC Department of Health & Mental Hygiene is committed to helping create a world where all New Yorkers can safely express their sexuality and gender identity with dignity, possessing the knowledge, skills and resources to support healthy and fulfilling lives. N ...
A federal initiative created by the National Center for Healthy Safe Children and funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Project LAUNCH has a mission “to promote the wellness of young children ages birth to 8 by addressing the physical, social, emo ...
TYSA is a behavioral health coalition aimed to promote emotional wellness and reduce substance use for Staten Island's youth. We do this by bringing community leaders and members together to plan and initiate strategies that support this mission. We welcome anybody who cares about mental ...
Staten Island Family and Youth Peer Support services provides support to parents and caregivers as well as children and youth from 0-24 years of age who are experiencing social, emotional, developmental, substance use or behavioral challenges. All services are free.