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Coaching in New York State

The New York Early Childhood Professional Development Institute has played an active role in advocating for the recognition of coaching as a form of professional development that applies toward state professional development requirements. The Institute worked with key partners to develop the NYS Coaching Competencies.

Recognizing that a quality coaching system would require professional recognition in order to ensure that coaches have the necessary knowledge, competencies, and skills, the Institute worked in conjunction with statewide partners to develop a coaching endorsement as part of the NYS Training and Technical Assistance (T-TAP) Professional Credential offered by the New York Association for the Education of Young Children. The Institute also developed a training series for coaches that prepares them to apply for the coaching credential.

Since New York State now recognizes coaching as a viable form of professional development, the credential endorsement and training not only provide the infrastructure needed for coaching to be counted toward the professional development hours required for licenses and permits, but also increase the number of people qualified to offer this intensive form of professional development. It is also an important part of professional preparation and development within the New York Works for Children system.

For more information about
early childhood coaching in New York,
please see the Institute brief:
Coaching: The Essential Innovation
in Early Childhood Education

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