The Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential is the most widely recognized national credential in early childhood education and an important stepping stone on the career pathway for many early childhood educators. In partnership with the Institute, a CDA Certificate is offered at the CUNY School of Professional Studies (CUNY SPS). Graduates of the program receive 12 undergraduate college credits and preparation to obtain the national CDA Credential.
In order to create a pathway for early childhood professionals to continue their education in the early childhood field, CUNY SPS has articulation agreements with CUNY two-year colleges. Articulation agreements ensure that students can easily transfer the maximum number of credits to these partner institutions. We are pleased to announce that we have recently negotiated a new articulation agreement with LaGuardia Community College. Students who have earned early childhood credits at CUNY SPS will now be able to transfer those credits to the Borough of Manhattan Community College, Hostos Community College, and Kingsborough Community College, in addition to LaGuardia. CUNY SPS students now have transfer options in four of NYC’s five boroughs, making it easier for students to work while completing their education.