The Aspire Registry team has released their February newsletter. For more than a year now, the Aspire Registry Newsletter has discussed the latest Registry news and events, and highlighted the work of New York professionals in the field of early childhood. The newsletter also provides information about useful resources and tips for early childhood professionals. Each month, the newsletter is distributed to over 25,000 Aspire Registry members, a number that continues to grow.
In this month’s newsletter The Aspire Registry team discusses how early childhood educators can use the Core Body of Knowledge (CBK) to grow and refine their practice. You can access the CBK online here. The Institute currently has a social media series that is exploring the Core Body of Knowledge – you can follow along on our Facebook and Twitter pages as well.
This month the Aspire Registry Team is also working on collecting testimonials to get a sense of how members are using The Aspire Registry and what they think about the system. In addition, the newsletter features a spotlight on Beth Sparks, the Early Childhood Education Coordinator and Jamestown Community College and founder of Chautauqua Lake Child Care Center. She shares why she has devoted her life to young children and one of her favorite moments in the classroom.
To read the newsletter, click here.