Important COVID-19 Updates

During this crisis, guidance for early care and education providers changes rapidly. We have assembled links to the COVID-19 pages at the organizations and governmental agencies that New York’s workforce relies on. We hope that this will make it easier for you to track and access important updates. This page will be updated frequently be sure to check back for new updates.

The NYS Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) website contains COVID guidance documents and important announcements on the COVID vaccine for child care providers. OCFS has released a new document to monitor visitors to programs for tracking and tracing efforts.

The Administration for Children and Families and the FDA shared an important update about hand sanitizers.

The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) website includes tips for teachers on interacting and connecting with children, resources to support children’s learning, and advocacy for the emergency support childcare needs to survive.

The Office of Head Start (OHS) website has information about wages and benefits and Child and Adult Care Food Programs (CACFP) flexibilities.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website includes up-to-date guidance from the federal government, and health and safety guidance for programs that are currently open.

As news about coronavirus (COVID-19) changes, Growing Up NYC resources below can help guide you and your family with up-to-date and accurate information and support.


The COVID Vaccine Finder is a one-stop site for New Yorkers to find their nearest COVID-19 vaccination location. The Vaccine Finder can also provide New Yorkers with information to schedule vaccination appointments.

The NYC Department of Health (DOHMH) site includes up to date local public health guidance and reopening guidance for child care programs. DOHMH recently provided a training for COVID-19 requirements and best practices for group child care and school-based child care programs, review the slides from the training.

The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene website now has additional resources for school-based child care programs, pre-K to grade 12:


The NYC Department of Education site includes emergency childcare, remote learning updates, Learn at Home activities, and access to technology for educators and students.

ChildcareAware has helpful guidance for Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&Rs) Agencies and Providers.

INCLUDEnyc has support groups, workshops and resources for supporting young people with any disability during school closures.

The American Academy of Pediatrics developed COVID-19 Planning Considerations Guidance for School Re-entry.