Hi everyone! Here is our top picks for the most important early childhood education reads for this week. Enjoy!

De Blasio Allies Push Day Care, Afterschool Funding – Capital New York

Education advocates — many of which represent pre-kindergarten providers for the city’s expansion program — called on the city to fund 20 early childhood education and after-school programs that are slated for closure in the executive budget.

Cuomo: ‘Good Progress’ on all Issues – Capital New York

Cuomo said Monday night that lawmakers are “close” to an agreement that could end the legislative session, which is operating in overtime.

Heastie: Respect de Blasio like Bloomberg on School Control – Capital New York

Heastie also said that Senate Republicans should afford Mayor Bill de Blasio “the same respect” as former mayor Michael Bloomberg by renewing mayoral control of city schools for six years, instead of the proposed one-year extension.

De Blasio Gains Unlikely Ally in Battle for Control of Schools – NY Post

As mayoral control of New York City schools is set to expire June 30, Republican Rob Astorino, the Westchester County Executive, said the law should be permanently extended.