An article from the Observer features a spotlight on Ellen Foley, a Pre-K teacher at Fredonia Central School District. Ellen introduces her students to their first public school experience through play, exploration, and discovery. The classroom is interactive and full of independent play activities, class pets, puzzles, books, and objects to explore. Ellen greets her students with a smile and encourages them to be independent and responsible for their own belongings. She nurtures them to develop self-care skills. The Observer recognizes Ellen Foley as an Outstanding Educator for the Fredonia School District.

The New York Early Childhood Professional Development Institute believes in access to excellence for all of New York’s young children. A talented and highly qualified early childhood workforce made up of adults who are engaged, informed, and healthy, like Ellen Foley, better prepares children for school and life. New York Works for Children, staffed by the Institute, and the Early Childhood Advisory Council designed publications to support those who are engaged in the work of early childhood. The Core Body of Knowledge: New York State’s Core Competencies for Early Childhood Educators (CBK)  illustrates what early childhood educators need to know and be able to do. These competencies offer a road map for building meaningful relationships with children and families and creating a nurturing, stimulating environment. Ellen demonstrates these competencies through her interactive classroom and encouragement of children’s independence.

The New York State Early Learning Guidelines (ELG) is a comprehensive guide to the developmental milestones children attain between birth and age 5. The ELG supports early childhood professionals in making informed decisions about how best to support and promote children’s development and learning. Some sample strategies include providing opportunities for children to be responsible for their personal belongings such as hanging up their own jacket or providing opportunities for children to take care of living things including non-toxic plants and pets.  The Guidelines help teachers decide what cognitive skills children are ready to tackle.  Ellen promotes the development and learning of the children in her classroom by designing responsive classroom environments, by encouraging them, to be responsible for their own belongings and introducing them to class pets. Both of these publications help to ensure that the adults in children’s lives provide the nurturing support that is critical to a lifetime of health, happiness, participation and productivity.

If you are interested in in reading or purchasing these publications, click here

We congratulate Ellen for being recognized as an Outstanding Educator.