Have you read the new OCFS regulations? There is a new regulation for Day Care Centers effective June 1, 2015!

418-1.13 Staff Qualifications

(k) All staff with plans of study, including plans of study permitted through a waiver request must register in New York’s training registry for early childhood professionals. Progress on plans of study will be monitored by the Office through the New York Registry.

Essentially, if you have a current approved plan of study, you will have to create a profile in Aspire, New York’s workforce registry for early childhood professionals. This affects both teachers and directors!

Keeping track of your own professional development experiences, your employment history, and your educational achievements is an important professional responsibility. Your professional profile will include information about your study plan and will allow OCFS to track your progress as required in the new regulations.

If you are a program director, an Aspire organization account is an invaluable resource for managing education and professional development records for teachers who work in your program. We encourage you to support teachers in your program to create individual profiles in Aspire. As a director, you will be able to use Aspire to track progress made on plans of study for teachers you manage.

Log on to Aspire today to create your profile before June 1st!