We are pausing to reflect and gather our strength. The Institute Coaches made this garden for you.
This nasturtium plant sprouted from a seed and daily growth is visible. The leaves follow the sun stretched upward while sheltering the bright green one.
–Lorraine FalchiThis summer I will be shadowing my 91 year old Italian grandmother as she gardens to learn how to be a mother of plants. The plants in the box are my first seedlings that I planted in the family garden. I am inspired to return to our family roots of gardening, cooking, and working together.
–Andrea BrunoMy son took this picture. I like how he always shows me little, beautiful things. This flower has many names, including “Heart’s Ease” and “Come and Cuddle Me.”
– Helen FrazierMay Night Salvia! Purple power! The symbolism and meaning of purple is tightly tied to our spiritual nature and ability to think out of the box.
–Jeanette MonningerShades of green.
-Steve CastarLast summer, we planted hydrangeas. Their beautiful colors absolutely transformed our front yard. During the colder months, I was saddened to see the bare stems. It was such a drastic difference. Now as they begin to blossom again, I am reminded of the patterns of nature and that everything has its season for growth.
–Serene Stevens