Program completes a program assessment using a tool on family responsive practices such as the Center for the Study of Social Policy’s Family Strengthening Self-Assessment tool and results are used for program improvement.

Required Evidence
[ Points: 3 ]

To meet this Standard, evidence MUST include BOTH of the following:

  • Strengthening Families: Self-Assessment for Center-Based Early Care and Education Programs tool on family responsiveness that is at least 50% completed; required, no exceptions.
  • AND
  • One improvement/action plan based on the assessment results; required, no exceptions.



Program is actively working to assess and improve upon its family responsive practices. This is a process that should be in-depth, spread over many weeks, and result in meaningful action plans.

Understanding FIS-7

Why is it important for programs to complete a self-assessment using a tool on family responsive practices and use the results for program improvement?

Self-assessments are meant to provide program administrators and staff members with a baseline snapshot of their program's policies and practices. Self-assessments include clear descriptions of activities, behaviors and policies to promote high quality practices that engage and support families.

This type of assessment is different than other assessments in QUALITYstarsNY in that the scores that a program gives itself using the self-assessments are not considered in the programs' overall QUALITYstarsNY rating. Programs should use these self-assessments as tools for developing improvement plans to build and improve on policies and practices that promote competency and family responsiveness.

Programs may want to consider forming assessment teams to complete the family responsiveness self-assessment and invite parents/families to participate as members of these teams to ensure that the assessment reflects the perspective of both program staff and parents/families.