Program provides regular opportunities for parents to participate in program-level decisions.
To meet this Standard, evidence MUST include ALL of the following:
Acceptable types of evidence include:
Evidence Notes Box (in data system):
Families are actively engaged in program-level decision making and have some influence on program-level decisions.
Why is it important to involve parents/families in program evaluation and program decision making?
Including parents/families in meaningful opportunities to inform program decisions and using formalized methods for collecting parent/family input through evaluations and surveys can help staff to maintain positive attitudes, approaches, and policies toward working with families. Actively gathering input from parents/families can also help programs to better meet the needs of families and reveal ways that families and providers can partner to support children's learning and development.
What are some ways to involve parents/families in program evaluation and program decision-making?
There are many ways that parents and other family members can be involved in program planning and decision making. If the program has a policy council or other governing board, they can invite parents/families to become members of that group. Other options might include working with parents/families to develop a satisfaction survey or including parents/families in program level decisions. Programs could also consider inviting parents and family members to join the program's self-assessment team.
NAEYC Engaginig Diverse Familes (EDF)
National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
DAP: Engaging in Reciprocal Partnerships with Families and Fostering Community Connections
National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)