Code | Indicator | Points | Documentation |
HE-1 | Provider attends training on the Family Child Care Environment Rating Scale (FCCERS). |
2 |
HE-2 | Provider completes a self-assessment using the FCCERS-R and writes an improvement plan to address subscale scores below 3.25. |
8 |
HE-3-5 | Provider has an independent FCCERS-R assessment and achieves an overall score of 4.25 – 4.99. Written improvement plan for subscale scores below 3.50. (30 Points) Provider has an independent FCCERS-R assessment and achieves an overall score of 5.00 – 5.49. Written improvement plan for subscale scores below 4.00. (40 Points) Provider has an independent FCCERS-R assessment and achieves an overall score of 5.50 or higher. Written improvement plan for subscale scores below 4.50. (50 Points) |
50 |
Code | Indicator | Points | Documentation |
COA-1 | Provider collects information at enrollment about the child’s development, including social emotional concerns, dominant language, preferences and any special needs. |
2 |
COA-2 | Provider documents the developmental status of each child within 45 days of entering the home using a child development screening tool. |
2 |
COA-3 | Provider uses a developmental screening tool that is valid and reliable. |
1 | Evidence of use of one of the following tools:
COA-4 | Provider documents the developmental progress of each child at least quarterly using a child development assessment tool or anecdotal records. |
2 |
COA-5 | Provider uses a developmental assessment tool that is valid and reliable. |
1 | Evidence of use of one of the following tools:
COA-6 | Provider and any regular assistants have annual training(s) in child observation and assessment including recognition of developmental milestones, identifying possible developmental delays and linking child observation and assessment to curriculum implementation. |
6 |
COA-7 | Provider can document that child observations and assessments are used to inform instruction that guide curriculum implementation and individual child learning. |
6 |
Code | Indicator | Points | Documentation |
CPI-1 | Provider has lesson plans that outline learning goals and contain associated intentional activities. |
2 |
CPI-2 | Provider uses a written curriculum or curriculum framework that is developmentally appropriate and addresses the key domains of child development. |
3 |
CPI-3 | Provider uses a written curriculum or curriculum framework curriculum that is evidence-based, meaning research has been conducted regarding the relationship between the curriculum and children’s learning. |
3 | Evidence of use of one of the following curricula:
CPI-4 | The curriculum or curriculum framework aligns with the NYS Early Learning Guidelines and/or the Pre-K Foundation for the Common Core. |
4 |
CPI-5 | The curriculum or curriculum framework is adapted to be culturally competent by incorporating into the learning environment culturally sensitive books, themes and projects. |
2 |
CPI-6 | Provider and any assistants receive annual training to implement the curriculum. |
3 |
CPI-7 | Provider implements appropriate modifications and provides additional supports to enable children with IFSPs or IEPs more effective inclusion in the full range of the program’s activities. |
Code | Indicator | Points | Documentation |
PH-1 | Program provides infants daily opportunities to move freely under adult supervision to explore indoor and outdoor environments, including tummy time when awake. |
1 |
PH-2 | Program provides opportunities for toddlers and/or preschoolers to have at least 15 minutes of developmentally appropriate, structured and unstructured, moderate to vigorous physical activity (both inside and outside) for every hour they are in care. For example, in a 3 hour program, children should have at least 45 minutes of physical activity in total, not necessarily continuously. |
1 |
PH-3 | Provider has a policy that details the use of TV/video for children, including that TV/video time is never used during nap and meal time or for children birth to age 2. For children ages 2 to 5 there is no more than 30 minutes once a week of high quality educational/movement-based commercial-free programming. |
2 |
PH-4 | Provider promotes the consumption of meals and snacks that meet the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) meal pattern for the ages served. |
2 |
PH-5 | Provider implements a formal obesity prevention program. |
1 | Evidence must demonstrate adoption of a formal obesity prevention program.
PH-6 | Provider attends training regarding implementation of the obesity prevention program. |
1 |
There is substantial evidence that classroom environment features are c entral to program quality and there is limited evidence that varied and appropriate classroom materials support children's development. T here is substantial evidence that the quality of teacher-child interactions contributes to qua lity in early care and education settings and substantial evidence that children with involved and responsive caregivers fare better on a wide variety of child development measures. There is a subst antial amount of evidence that developmentally appropriate curriculum is related to other measures of program quality and substantial evidence that a developmentally appropriate curriculum is related to child outcomes. There is a moderate amount of evidence tha t developmentally-appropriate assessment is associ ated with improved child development outcome.
Code | Indicator | Points | Documentation |
C-1 | Provider communicates with parents of infants in writing on a daily basis about care giving routines, such as feeding, sleeping, and diapering/toileting. |
3 |
C-2 | Program communicates with families in a comprehensive, written format about the program’s history, philosophy, admissions policies, other procedures, applicable regulations, and parent involvement opportunities. |
8 | Evidence must include information on the program’s history, admissions policies and parent/family involvement opportunities.
C-3 | Provider periodically communicates in writing with families about program and child activities and other pertinent information. |
4 |
C-4 | Provider meets one-on-one with parents about their individual child’s development at least twice a year. |
3 | Evidence for one child that demonstrates that meetings with parent(s) occurred on at least 2 different dates within the previous 15 months.
C-5 | Provider shares information with parents about the provider’s, and any assistant’s, educational qualifications and professional experience. |
4 |
C-6 | Provider provides written information about family resources and supports, such as information on child development, oral health, child health insurance, tax credits, and child care financial assistance. |
9 | Evidence must show that written information about relevant family resources and supports is accessible to families.
Code | Indicator | Points | Documentation |
FIS-1 | Provider supports breastfeeding. |
2 |
FIS-2 | Provider offers family social gatherings that intentionally include other family members, in addition to parents. |
3 | Evidence must show that provider offers family social gatherings that include family members beyond just parents.
FIS-3 | Provider offers volunteering opportunities for families, such as help with field trips and opportunities to share talents and expertise. |
3 | Evidence must show that provider offers opportunities for family members to volunteer.
FIS-4 | Families complete a program evaluation or survey annually and results are used for program improvement. |
4 |
FIS-5 | Provider completes a self-assessment on family-responsive practices using a tool, such as the Center for the Study of Social Policy’s Family Strengthening Self-Assessment tool, and results are used for program improvement. |
5 |
FIS-6 | Provider and any assistants complete a self-assessment of cultural competence using a tool, such as the National Association for the Education of Young Children Pathways to Cultural Competence Toolkit, the Self-Assessment Checklist for Personnel Providing Services and Supports In Early Intervention and Early Childhood Settings the Checklist for Promoting Cultural & Linguistic Competency for ECE Personnel from the National Center on Cultural Competence, or some other tool. The results are used for program improvement. |
5 |
FIS-7 | Provider and any assistants greet children and parents in the home languages of the children and parents. |
2 |
language(s) |
FIS-8 | Provider has access to at least one English speaker who also speaks those languages who can assist with translation or other requests (e.g., another parent, community volunteer, or neighbor). |
2 |
FIS-9 | Provider obtains training to address the needs of English language learners. |
6 |
Code | Indicator | Points | Documentation |
T-1 | Provider has a written policy and procedures to support children and families transitioning into the home childcare setting, which includes providing information on separation and attachment. |
4 | Evidence must reference ways in which the provider supports families when starting the program, including providing information on separation and attachment.
T-2 | Provider has a written policy and procedures to support children and families transitioning out of the home child care setting including when children transition to another care or educational setting (e.g., other family home, kindergarten). |
4 | Evidence must reference ways in which the program supports families in transitioning out of their family child care home and into another program.
There is substantial evidence that parent involvem ent and parent-provider communication is important for high quality early childhood education. There is subs tantial evidence that parent-involvement is related to child development outcom es. Parent-provider communication in the parent's dominant language is necessary for optimum results.
Code | Indicator | Max Points | Documentation |
PMQ-1-4 | 15 clock hours in management, leadership, and/or administration (or for Group FCC in supervision) (2 Points) -OR- 3 to 5 credits in management, leadership, and/or administration (or for Group FCC in supervision) (6 Points) -OR- 6 to 8 credits in management, leadership, and/or administration (or for Group FCC in supervision) (9 Points) -OR- 9 or more credits (13.5 CEUs) in management, leadership, and/or administration (or for Group FCC in supervision) (12 Points) |
12 |
Code | Indicator | Max Points | Documentation |
PAE-1 | At least 3 years of experience in an administrative position in an early care and education program |
2 |
Code | Indicator | Max Points | Documentation |
PAQ-1 | Child Development Associate (CDA) credential with Infant-Toddler specialization -OR- Child Development Associate (CDA) credential with Family Child Care specialization -OR- Child Development Associate (CDA) credential with Preschool specialization |
PAQ-2 | Montessori, Infant/Toddler Credential -OR- Montessori, Early Childhood Credential -OR- Montessori, International Credential |
PAQ-3 | NYS Infant-Toddler Credential -OR- NYS Family Child Care Credential |
PAQ-4-8 | No higher education degree but at least 9 college credits in ECE (28 Points) -OR- No higher education degree but at least 18 college credits in ECE (35 Points) -OR- Associates degree in ECE, or Associates degree in a related field and 9 ECE credits, or any Associates degree and at least 24 credits in ECE (38 Points) -OR- Bachelor’s degree in ECE, or Bachelor’s degree in a related field and 9 ECE credits, or any Bachelor’s degree and at least 24 credits in ECE. (45 Points) -OR- Master’s degree or higher in ECE, or Master’s degree in a related field and 9 ECE credits or any Master’s degree or higher and at least 24 credits in ECE (48 Points) |
48 |
PAQ-9 | NYS Early Childhood Teacher (Birth – Grade 2) Certificate -OR- NYS Students with Disabilities (Birth – Grade 2) Certificate -OR- NYC Teacher (N-6) Certificate |
PAQ-10 | Family Development Credential |
Code | Indicator | Max Points | Documentation |
E-1 | At least 3 years of experience in any teaching position in an early care and education program |
6 |
Code | Indicator | Max Points | Documentation |
R-1 | Provider has been a registered or licensed (group) family day care operator continuously for 5 or more years. |
12 |
There is a substantial amount of evidence that teacher education and training are related to other measures of program quality and to child outcomes. There is substantial evidenc e that director professional development is related to other measures of program quality and limited evidence that director pr ofessional development is related to child outcomes. While the re is limited and conflicting evidence that experience of staff is rela ted to other measures of progr am quality or child development outcomes, consumers value experience.
Note: A program can earn points in both the administrator and the teaching staff categories. Points are earned for the degrees and coursework completed AND for each of several credentials AND for experience. For nearly all Standards in the Qualifications & Experience category, teaching staff points are weighted by part-time or full-time status and averaged (to account for programs with different numbers of staff). Documentation pertaining to professional qualifications and experiences are collected and verified through The Aspire Registry.
Provider and any assistant qualification and experience will be enter ed into Aspire: New York's Wo rkforce Registry. Aspire will verify this information and send it to QUALITYstarsNY.
Code | Indicator | Points | Documentation |
ASA-1 | Provider conducts a self-assessment using a tool, such as the Business Administration Scale (BAS) or the self-study for National Association for Family Child Care Accreditation (NAFCC). |
5 | Completed Business Administration Scale (BAS) Item Summary Form and completed BAS Profile OR
ASA-2 | Provider demonstrates progress on a plan aligned to the self-assessment. |
5 |
Code | Indicator | Points | Documentation |
FAS-1 | Liability insurance premium is current to date. |
2 | Evidence must reference program’s liability and be in effect at least 1 month past the submission date.
FAS-2 | Local, state and federal taxes are paid on time. |
2 | Evidence must demonstrate that state and federal income taxes were paid within the previous 15 months.
FAS-3 | Provider has a current-year operating budget showing revenues and expenses. |
3 |
FAS-4 | Provider records income and expenses at least monthly and reviews income and expense statements, comparing actual revenues and expenses to budget quarterly. |
4 |
FAS-5 | Provider has a system of record keeping that tracks incomes and expenses for tax purposes and individual cost of care. |
4 |
FAS-6 | Provider calculates cost of care, has goals for her own compensation, and uses both to set tuition rates. |
2 |
FAS-7 | There is an independent preparation of taxes by someone with accounting or bookkeeping expertise. |
4 |
FAS-8 | Provider uses technology to manage finances and enrollment, e.g., uses Minute Menu for CACFP or automated time and attendance. |
2 |
FAS-9 | Provider has established procedures to market and fill open child care slots/vacancies. |
4 |
Code | Indicator | Points | Documentation |
PP-1 | Provider uses substitutes no more than 20% of the time (e.g., no more than one day per week). |
9 |
PP-2 | Provider maintains confidentiality regarding children and family information and communicates this confidentiality policy to any family members, employees and substitutes. |
6 |
PP-3 | The provider and any paid employees have professional development plans that match the Core Body of Knowledge: New York State’s Core Competencies for Early Childhood Educators competency areas. |
12 | Evidence must be provided for at least the provider and one paid assistant (if applicable) and have been completed within the previous 15 months.
Code | Indicator | Points | Documentation |
CB-1a | Provider offers 5 days of time off (sick and/or personal) for self and any paid, full-time employees. |
3 | Evidence must show that policies refer to all full-time staff.
CB-1b | Provider offers holidays for self and any paid, full-time employees. |
3 | Evidence must show that policies refer to all full-time staff.
CB-1c | Provider offers professional development days for self and any paid, full-time employees |
3 | Evidence must show that policies refer to all full-time staff.
CB-1 | Provider offers for self and any paid, full-time employees: (3 POINTS PER BENEFIT OPTION, UP TO 9 POINTS MAXIMUM)
9 |
CB-2 | Provider and any paid, full-time employees have health insurance. |
4 |
Code | Indicator | Points | Documentation |
PPL-1 | Provider spends at least one hour per week in program planning using appropriate resources such as printed materials, the internet, and curriculum-based planning tools. |
13 |
There is some evidence that the implementation of program policies and procedures is related to other measures of quality and child development outcomes.
Note: For multi-site organizations, this section may need to be co mpleted by staff in the central office. Remember that documen tation must apply to the applicant site.