Performance assessment, including observations and feedback, informs individual professional development plans.

[ Points: 5 ]

  • Completed performance assessment for 1 teaching staff position that includes observation(s), assessment criteria and comments/feedback


  • Professional development plan with at least 2 goal statements highlighted with link to performance assessments clearly demonstrated

Assessments that are based in part on observations are not a stand-alone solution but are used as a part of a continuous performance management and development process.

Understanding PP-10

Why is it important for individual professional development plans to be reflective of performance assessments, observations, and feedback?

A well-rounded, comprehensive individual professional development plan is based upon feedback from program administrators, performance assessment outcomes, and reflections from classroom observations.

By utilizing feedback and guidance from program administrators, mentors, advisors, and other professionals in the Early Care and Education field, teaching staff can reflect on their own strengths and areas needing growth. They can create a professional development plan that is objective, based on relevant early childhood practices, and applicable to their own individual needs in order to ensure that they are providing the highest standard of quality care for young children.