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Book Group: Dare to Lead - Brave Work. Tough Conversations. Whole Hearts. by Brene Brown

"Leadership is not about titles, status, and wielding power. A leader is anyone who takes responsibility for recognizing the potential in people and ideas, and has the courage to develop that potential."

"When we dare to lead, we don’t pretend to have the right answers; we stay curious and ask the right questions. We don’t see power as finite and hoard it; we know that power becomes infinite when we share it with others. We don’t avoid difficult conversations and situations; we lean into vulnerability when it’s necessary to do good work."

"But daring leadership in a culture defined by scarcity, fear, and uncertainty requires skill-building around traits that are deeply and uniquely human. The irony is that we’re choosing not to invest in developing the hearts and minds of leaders at the exact same time as we’re scrambling to figure out what we have to offer that machines and AI can’t do better and faster. What can we do better? Empathy, connection, and courage, to start."

Book groups present an opportunity for members to gather to explore and discuss issues in early childhood and in leadership-deepening the dialogue and considering key messages in their work.

Thursday, November 4th 2021 - Thursday, November 18th 2021

Registration is not
open at this time.
This course consists of 2 sessions from November 4th to November 18th


Session Select Instructions

You will be registered for the following sessions.

  • Dare to Lead Book Group Session 1: Thursday, November 4th 6:30pm - 8:00pm
  • Dare to Lead Book Group Session 2: Thursday, November 18th 6:30pm - 8:00pm

Photography and Video Release Acknowledgement

I hereby authorize the New York Early Childhood Professional Development Institute (The Institute) under the auspices of The Research Foundation of the City University of New York (CUNY) to take and use photographs of me in connection with the above-identified event. I authorize The Institute/CUNY, its assigns, and transferees to copyright, use, and publish the photographs in print and/or electronically.

I agree that The Institute/CUNY may use such photos of me with or without my name for any lawful purpose, including but not limited to publicity, illustration, advertising, and web content.

I understand that this event may be recorded and shared online. Any questions asked or comments offered over audio or entered in the chat box may be included in the recording.

I have read and understood the above.

Registration is closed for this event.
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