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Event Registration

Diversity in Early Childhood: Men in the Workforce Panel

Series Promo

Please join us for this distinguished panel of early childhood professionals to listen to the career journeys of men in our field. We'll hear from leaders on how to create an environment that is welcoming and supportive to males in your workplace as well as how the research indicates to increase recruitment and retention of male educators in the early childhood workforce.

Event Dates / Times:

Series Dates / Times Tuesday, May 4th, 6:00pm - 7:30pm


Series LocationEvent will take place over Zoom

, NY
Series Description


Taylor Brandon, Head Teacher at Borough of Manhattan Community College Early Childhood Center

Cecilia Scott-Croff, Early Childhood Professional with 25 years of experience

Jason Wellington, President and Director of Joyful Beginnings Early Education Program, Inc.

Jason Breslin, NBCT , Director for the Office of Early Learning

Dr. Mindi Reich-Shapiro, Assistant Professor in Teacher Education Department at the Borough of Manhattan Community College



Gerald Smith, Career Development Coordinator at the Early Childhood Career Development Center

Series Registration Instructions

Photography and Video Release Acknowledgement

I hereby authorize the New York Early Childhood Professional Development Institute (The Institute) under the auspices of The Research Foundation of the City University of New York (CUNY) to take and use photographs of me in connection with the above-identified event. I authorize The Institute/CUNY, its assigns, and transferees to copyright, use, and publish the photographs in print and/or electronically.

I agree that The Institute/CUNY may use such photos of me with or without my name for any lawful purpose, including but not limited to publicity, illustration, advertising, and web content.

I understand that this event may be recorded and shared online. Any questions asked or comments offered over audio or entered in the chat box may be included in the recording.

I have read and understood the above.

Registration is closed for this event.
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