Registration is open.
2025 English Cohort Start Dates: Spring Session - April 7th, Summer Session - May 19th at 7:00pm
2025 Fechas de inicio de la cohorte de español: Sesión de primavera - 26 de marzo, Sesión de invierno - 21 de mayo a las 7:00pm
The program costs $300 to participate. Applicants who are part of the Family Child Care Network (FCCN) and those who are part of QUALITYstarsNY rated programs are eligible to register at no cost.
Candidates will meet in group sessions and 1:1 as needed by appointment. By the end of the program, Candidates will understand the CDA Credentialing process. Candidates will have completed the portfolio with all competencies and resources required; have applied for the CDA exam, registered for the written exam at a Pearson Testing site, have an assigned PD Specialist, applied for the EIP funding for the exam, taken a practice test, and received Verification Visit coaching.