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QUALITYstarsNY Academic Scholarship

The new QUALITYstarsNY Academic Scholarship is available to help pay tuition for leaders and classroom staff at QUALITYstarsNY participating programs who are pursuing an early childhood education degree or credit-bearing coursework. Fill out the form below to see if you are eligible for this opportunity!
The first step of the application is to let us know who you are! Fill out the form below to locate your Early Childhood Career Developent Center profile.

Your Career Development Center Profile

If you've ever registered for an event, reached out to our advisors, or aplied to an intiative with us, you already have a profile. Fill out your information below to locate your profile

if you've already begun an application for Fall 24 school year, it will appear with your profile. If you don't see it below, please reach out to your Regional Career Advisor.

If you're new to the Early Childhood Career Development Center Create a Profile

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