CBK Resource

Partnerships for Learning: Conferencing with Parents

Resource for communicating/conferencing with families

CBK Connections

  • 2.2
    Communication with Families
    • 2.2.a
      Shares and discusses the program's philosophy about provider/family relationships with families on a regular basis
    • 2.2.c
      Communicates clear and complete information in a manner that matches the family's style, preferred language, level of understanding, and preferred means of communication
    • 2.2.d
      Communicates to and about families in a positive way
    • 2.2.j
      Listens to families' questions and responds honestly with accurate information
    • 2.2.k
      Solicits information from families about what %22works%22 for them so that they can consider implementing those suggestions in their classroom or program
    • 2.2.m
      Seeks input and collaboration from fathers, as well as from mothers or other caregivers

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